Aerial Adventure Courses
Strength, Balance, and Heights…..These ADVENTURES test them All !
An Aerial Adventure Park is a place which can contain a wide variety of elements including rope climbing exercises, obstacle courses, rock climbing, and zip-lines. They are usually intended for recreation and embody the spirit of Have Fun, Test your Courage and Overcome your Own Fears.
Since the 1980s, ropes course sophistication has evolved considerably. Modern ropes courses incorporate sophisticated belay and safety systems using wire rope, friction devices, and climbing harnesses to manage what before were unmanaged risks. Recent technological advances in pole hardware and climbing equipment along with industry-accepted installation and design practices have greatly reduced the risk to the ADVENTUROUS participants.
In an Aerial Adventure Park, the participants independently run a variety of trails of increasing difficulty levels. Each trail consists of several poles or trees that are connected by different acrobatic elements or zip lines.